UPDATE: Duo indicted in Dawson County for alleged sex trafficking, related crimes
The men were arrested two months ago.
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United Way reaches goal
5 United Way pic
United Way for Dawson County board members Jay Sessions, front, and Taylor Wallace celebrated by changing the groups fundraising sign Friday afternoon after learning the 2010 fundraising goal of $100,000 had been reached. - photo by Michele Hester Dawson Community News

Volunteers were breathing a sigh of relief Friday afternoon as they calculated the final contributions to United Way for Dawson County’s 2010 fundraising campaign.


For the first time in three years, the group met its goal to raise $100,000 for Dawson County social service partners.


“The board is thrilled with the results,” said Chairman Jay Sessions. “We think this is a great way to honor Mark’s (Weaver) legacy in the county.”


The volunteer board of directors voted last year to dedicate the effort in Weaver’s memory. A longtime supporter of United Way, Weaver served on the board at the time of his death.


“We want to thank all the board members, all the individuals and businesses that donated and pledged for this campaign,” Sessions said.


A funding allocation committee will meet with partner agencies in late February. Funding will be dispersed based on the need by the agencies.


Sessions invites community members to join the allocation committee.


“That is a unique experience to come in and hear the partner agencies — to learn what they do, the challenges they are faced with and how the funding from United Way dollars helps,” he said.


For more information, call (706) 344-3501, Ext. 245