The family of a missing Dawsonville man continues to hold out hope for his safe return.
Quinton Jimmy Walls, 50, was last heard from on June 6 when he spoke by phone to his daughter about meeting at church the next morning.
That call appears to have been the last time Walls used his cellphone, according to records collected by Dawson County Sheriff's Investigators.
"There has been no cellphone activity or financial card activity since he has been missing," Capt. Tony Wooten said.
While the sheriff's office continues to actively investigate Walls' disappearance, Wooten said they have no indication that a crime has taken place.
"There were no signs of foul play in or around the vehicle located in Dawson Forest," he said.
The truck was found near the horse trailer parking lot in the management area off Dawson Forest Road. Campers believe they saw him in the area sometime overnight June 6, according to Wooten.
Authorities also found a red polo-style shirt, which Gracie Lou Walls claims belongs to her son.
"I do his laundry. I know he has a shirt like that and I know it's not here," she said in a phone interview the week she reported her son missing.
Gracie Lou Walls said it's uncharacteristic for her son to stay gone for this long without contacting the family.
"He'd go off and maybe stay two nights somewhere, but never more than three, and this is nearly two weeks," she said.
His nephew Lance Walls said the family is appreciative of the community's support in the effort to help locate his uncle.
"There's been tons of phone calls and people swinging by, just checking in. The sheriff's department has done a great job of keeping us informed and out there," he said.
He described his uncle as a caring and compassionate man that is quick to offer help to those in need.
"He's a really good person. [He'd do] anything that he could do to help us and really anyone," he said.
Dawson County Emergency Services Chief Lanier Swafford said crews continue to conduct searches of the wildlife management area.
"While [we] can't go through what the family's going through, it hurts us that we can't give them what they are looking for right now, and that's getting Jimmy back," he said.
K9 units trained in body recovery, a horse-mounted rescue unit and foot crews have covered a more than 10-mile radius from where the truck was located, according to Deputy Chief Tim Satterfield.
A body recovery team was also seen searching the management area on Friday, but Wooten said still to no avail.
Jimmy Walls is described as 5'9" and weighs about 165 pounds. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
His family said he was wearing blue jeans and a checkered shirt when they last saw him.
Anyone with information is asked to call the sheriff's office at (706) 344-3636.