By all appearance, Morgan Mayo has the typical life of a high school senior: she was on the cheerleading team at Forsyth Central High School in the fall, is on the varsity soccer team this spring, takes Advanced Placement classes and is getting ready for senior prom and college.
But those who know Mayo know there’s a little more to her story.
Up until last December, Mayo had been living in a group foster home while spending up to five days a week with local residents Lacey and Scott Jernigan and their twin toddler daughters, Bethany and Lana.
Lacey first met Mayo about two years ago in a high school small group she hosted at Browns Bridge Church. Mayo came and went over her sophomore and junior years, especially at a time when she was living in Cobb County; driving an hour for church wasn’t a high priority, Mayo said.
‘A little stability:' Family shares story of taking in foster teen, hopes to inspire others to do the same

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