Just when you think expectations can go no lower in politics, our gubernatorial candidates continue to prove us wrong. Here we sit, about to put our collective future into the hands of a new chief executive of the eighth largest state in the nation and what do we have from which to select? A guy that would kiss a goat if he thought it would get him elected; a gun-totin’ good ol’ boy who wants to make sure nobody don’t mess with his dadgum family and an ultra-liberal black woman who wants to sandblast Stone Mountain. Good grief.
The recent revelation by Republican gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle that he pushed for passage of a bill he considered bad public policy in order to keep the Walton Foundation from pouring millions of dollars into the campaign of rival candidate, Hunter Hill, pretty much got a shrug from voters if my reader mail is any indication.
Not that you approved of what he confessed to in a secretly recorded conversation with former Republican gubernatorial candidate Clay Tippins but, rather, it was just another example of a politician being a politician. Like, what’s new?
Who says our politicians can’t lower our expectations?