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This week a time to remember what Easter is all about
Dick Yarbrough
I wish I had been there. In Jerusalem. With Jesus. I wish I could have witnessed the events of a week that changed the world forever. I wish I could have accompanied Jesus into the city as he rode astride a donkey and watched the crowds throw their cloaks before him, cheering the man they thought had come to lift the yoke of Roman oppression from their necks. The Messiah. The new David. I wonder if I would have gotten caught up in all the excitement and hoped that when he took over Israel, Jesus would give me a high-level job in his administration. I wish I could have asked him firsthand why he was riding a donkey. It was a well-known fact that conquering kings ride stallions, not donkeys. I suspect Jesus would have smiled patiently and said he was not the Prince of War. He was the Prince of Peace.