The family of Christopher Blalock wants to express their sincere appreciation to all of the Dawson County Sheriff's Office, Kevin Tanner, Chaplain Mike Owens, Ted Bearden and son and Gordon Pirkle for their tremendous help and support to us during the loss of our son. You could not ask for a better community than we have.
It really means a lot to know we have such a caring community and our sincere thanks to all the citizens of our great community. A community we are very proud to call home.
Thank you goes out to everyone for their kindness and expression of sympathy in our time of sorrow. We know our pain will decrease and what will remain will always be in our hearts.
Love all you hold dear. Precious is time you share, do not wait until tomorrow. For tomorrow may never be. Thanks again for keeping us in your prayers.
Norman and Kathy Blalock
Tyler and Curtis Blalock,
Robert and Sarah Newton