We just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported the Lady Tigers basketball team this season.
The girls won many games and had a great record, but you, the people of Dawson County, made this a season to remember.
Thank you to the businesses who bought signs in the gym to support the program. Thank you to everyone who came out to the games and cheered them on. Thank you to the announcers who make each game special.
Thank you to the school system for the new uniforms and the wonderful charter bus to Macon.
Thank you to everyone at the high school, middle school and elementary schools for the awesome send offs.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to feeding the team this year.
Thank you to all the coaches these girls have had this year and in years past, including their park and rec, middle school and travel ball days. You have truly shaped them into the players and team they have become.
Thank you to the county and city for the recognitions and meals provided.
Thank you to the bookkeepers, clock keeper and concession stand workers.
Thank you the newspaper for your great coverage this season.
Thank you to the Pool Room for posting results on your sign.
Thank you to Greta Shope for putting together the photo memory book and picture CD.
Thank you to Kasey Wilson for all the great T-shirts.
Thank you to all the parents of the girls.
We have watched them play together for many years and we love each of you.
Thank you to all the girls of this team. We have truly enjoyed watching you play basketball for many years, but more than that we have enjoyed getting to know each of you.
Thank you for playing as a team and for representing Dawson County so well.
We love each of you!
There are so many people to thank.
We apologize if we left anyone out, please know that we thank you too.
Thank you God for such a wonderful community.
Barry and Linda Bearden
Dawson County