As I write this on the last afternoon in 2009, I probably should be considering some of the many resolutions that could be made for 2010. Instead I am remembering the theme, which I had intended to use as a focus for a column a couple of weeks ago. Obviously, my first resolution might be to take my own frequent advice: Don’t just intend, do it.
That non-written column concerned comments on opinions expressed in print or in other media, opinions with which I agreed.
The Dec. 20 Sunday edition of The Gainesville Times featured a long article on the Opinion page, entitled “Three Welcome Gifts.” And most of the positive evaluations were being echoed by our local Representative Amos Amerson and State Senator Chip Pearson.
Most North Georgians are glad to see State Representative David Ralston (who serves part of Dawson County) become Speaker of the Georgia House. With Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and U.S. Congressman Nathan Deal wielding influence, this area can believe that issues will be decided, as nearly as possible, in our best interests. Having met Representative Ralston on a couple of occasions, I am also impressed with his straightforward demeanor.
Another “gift” extolled by that editorial and applauded by countless others was the announcement of Vice President Joe Biden of the stimulus grant, which will bring Broadband Internet to our corner of the state. Admittedly electronically ignorant, I can only repeat that business experts tell us that it is a truly good thing. It is good to see my antigovernment friends and family members be happy to receive some federal money. Somehow, when that money brings aid and hope to those in our own families and to our own communities, it doesn’t seem nearly so “tainted.”
The article’s third “gift” may not be as easily attainable: solving the water crisis, particularly as it affects Lake Lanier. But it really does appear that steps are being taken in the right direction. They’re even talking about conservation measures, and Atlanta, which was my beloved home for over a quarter-century, has seldom shown any indications in that direction.
So, I shout “Amen” to the view that these three events bode well for the next years.
On that same page was a retrospective column by the brilliant Charles Krauthammer, with whom I almost never agree. This one concerned his 25 years as a columnist, and several of his observations really made sense to me. One of lesser importance was that old columnists never quit writing (although they may “fade away”) - and I would add, even when they have little of consequence to say. That last clause applies mostly to myself. It’s probably an ego-thing. Once in a while, I have profound thought or a project to push, but generally I am just conversing with my readers. And, honestly, being flattered that they say they enjoy the conversation.
So, I suppose 2010 will begin with an old lady taking an opportunity to congratulate people like the board of commissioners and County Manager Kevin Tanner for planning a new courthouse to stay under budget, to the RIC-Rack board for a much-needed expansion, to Linda Williams and the chamber for their continuing good programming, to Jane Graves and the HOA for keeping a close watch on possible encroachments on private properties, to the Rev. Mark Weaver and associates for establishing a free clinic, to Calvin Byrd and KARE for Kids for a successful year, to all the groups and organizations who made Christmas a truly blessed season (as it was designed to be).
Now, let’s get busy and help United Way to reach its goal, because many individuals are depending on it. Happy New Year.
Helen Taylor’s column appears periodically in the Dawson Community News.