One of the most contentious issues facing Dawson County has been the conversion of Elliott Field to a regional airport.
All studies have concluded this is not a suitable location for such a facility and the vast majority of the areas residents are opposed to such a drastic transformation.
This did not prevent Rep. Amos Amerson from introducing legislation to create the Dawsonville Airport Authority.
Without the courtesy of a single public hearing the bill was rammed through the Georgia House.
My main objections are to provisions prominent in the first sentence of the bill. It creates an authority board, financially compensates its members and grants them eminent domain powers.
Politicians love to create boards and authorities.
It allows them to claim their hands are tied to prevent actions such as government sanctioned theft of private property.
In actuality, such actions are only possible because elected officials have, through legislation, allowed it.
The Dawsonville plan to bankroll this scheme using state taxpayer funds makes this case more repulsive.
I am sure the candidates seeking the house seat representing Dawson County will be asked to reintroduce this bill after being elected.
I would like to hear their opinions on this issue.
With the majority of the districts constituents living in unincorporated areas I would also like to know if they plan to pursue changes to Georgia's annexation procedures.
Some degree of protection from the effects of spot zoning and the resulting decrease of surrounding property values should be guaranteed.
Considering the aggressive actions of municipalities, this should be addressed immediately.
I am of the opinion these are the most important issues in our district. Anyone who has not spent the last five years under a rock should have an opinion.
Those seeking public office should be able to articulate a plan of action. I hope the candidates wishing to represent our district will take the time to honestly communicate their intentions on these two important issues.
If they don't, I suggest you call them and find out.
What, if any, is left of your property's value depends on it.
I don't see how any voter can be expected to make an informed decision without this information.
Kirk Brookshire
Dawson County