There are many things that I simply do not understand and that's OK. The fact that I am not able to take advantage of lots of electronic devices may make me feel stupid, but it does not raise my blood pressure. I have long ago acknowledged that my finite mind will not comprehend infinity or divinity.
But arguments being floated against some measures of gun control not only surprise but outrage me.
To be honest, I personally have never wanted to own a gun for protection of my person, family or property. Chances are, in a struggle situation, the thing would eventually have been used against me.
However, in my hometown, most men were hunters; my husband, brothers and son all served in the U.S. Army.
So, I know that guns certainly have a place in our culture. However, we obviously need better control of use.
Smarter brains than mine must work on the details of that control, and I believe that will happen.
Somehow, with those powerful electronics, we will determine how to build a better database of buyers and owners to try to eliminate the "nuts" who have no business with firearms.
Surely even gun advocates will admit that no civilian (for hunting, protection or target practice) needs a high-capacity magazine, even if those advocates fight against bans on assault-type weapons.
Maybe the film and video industries will lower the violence level of their products, particularly if there is less consumer appetite for violent entertainment.
Although I have definite opinions about all the above, that is not the basis of my consternation.
I am certainly aware that even if my wishes were fulfilled, there would still remain criminals and mentally unstable assassins. My amazement is caused by extreme allegations that I hear and read, and I am saddened by the realization that many of my friends and relatives pay attention and even condone some of those allegations.
When I hear spokesmen for organizations, talk show hosts and commentators say that we need guns in order to control tyrannical government, and that the United States is a dying country, I am flabbergasted.
Yet I reluctantly realize that thousands of citizens choose to listen exclusively to such rampages. Surely our history shows that we are a much better people than that.
Do I think that my feeble voice will change that picture? Probably not, but it was struggling to be heard, even if it is not consequential.
So now it is done.
Helen Taylor's column appears periodically in the Dawson Community News.