How’s the economy doing? While some of the numbers are good—unemployment is down, job growth is up, two things are still important to note. One, while job growth is up, wages are not. Only 4 percent of corporations, who received their huge tax break from Trump and the Republican Congress, have given wage increases. That means many people are working full time but their pay is too low to cover expenses. A minimum wage worker would have to work two and a half full-time jobs to be able to afford a one bedroom house in most communities in Georgia.
Another threat is the drastic increase in the budget deficit. At $779 billion in 2018, it is now at its highest in five years. The government has to borrow more to cover its spending. By 2019 it is expected to reach $1.1 trillion. This has been a problem which Republicans have talked about for years, but in actually it is during Republican administrations that the deficit goes up. Why? Because there is always a huge tax cut for wealthy Americans—along with a small, appeasement one for the rest of us. So how do they propose to cut this deficit?
Letter to the Editor: It’s the economy