UPDATE: Duo indicted in Dawson County for alleged sex trafficking, related crimes
The men were arrested two months ago.
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We’ve got spirit!
Football cheerleaders lead cheer camp
cheer camp
Young cheerleaders show off their cheer routine with the help of Dawson County Tigers football cheerleaders. - photo by Jessica Taylor
In the gym at Rock Creek Park, 26 young girls proved they’ve got spirit as they clapped and jumped and cheered with enthusiasm. Surrounded by the Dawson County Tigers football cheerleading squad, participants in the annual Tiger Cheer Camp learned several cheers and dances during the three day camp July 15-17. “This is a fundraiser but it’s also a way to kind of give back,” said Head Football Cheerleading Coach Brooke Walker. The Tigers football cheer program is run completely off fundraising efforts, and the summer cheer camp is the biggest fundraiser for the squad. All the cheerleaders come out to work with young girls, giving them the chance to learn the very same cheers they’ll see on the sidelines of the Friday night football games.