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Hurts delivers painful lesson in win over Georgia
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Much like most folks in this area it hurt me deeply to watch the Georgia Bulldogs lose to Alabama in the SEC Championship game. It hurt even more to see that loss handed out in the exact same fashion as the Bulldog’s loss in last year’s National Championship game. It has taken me the better course of the week to process the game’s results, argue against the flawed college play-off system, and deal with the “yet another Sugar Bowl” thoughts to realize that I was missing out on one of the greatest stories in college football of not just this season, but of any season. After a season in which he only saw, at most, one quarter of action per game, (sometimes less or none), Alabama quarterback Jalen Hurts stepped back onto the big stage, with only that one quarter left to play, and led his team to a come from behind victory and secured his place in the annals of sports.