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Weather moves art, garden festival indoors
Spring Fling pic
Gourd artist Sandy Taylor explains various pieces of her work to Ron Carrabotta during Art in the Garden on Saturday. - photo by David Renner

Despite a weekend of gloom and wetness, spring was still happening inside the Bowen Center for the Arts.

Due to the rain, the 12th annual Art in the Garden festival was held inside the Bowen Center, but that didn't stop some folks for turning up for the event Saturday and Sunday.

"We had a good turn out Saturday morning, but as the rain came in, people tended to shy away," said Jeanne Tompkins, Dawson County Arts Council president. "On Sunday, some of the vendors pulled out, so when that happened, we brought everybody inside."

While not originally planned, Tompkins said they didn't let the rain dampen the festival.

"We did what we had to do to make space for people," she said. "The weather certainly affected the event, but we were flexible with our planning."

Jewelry maker and vendor Joan Haskins said that while it was wet, there was still a decent turnout.

"Usually there are more people here, but despite the rain, there was still a good amount of people that came to our booth."

Haskins said that this wasn't an unusual occurrence for her and that it was just another day of business as usual.

"This is my sixth year doing Art in the Gardens. I wasn't really impacted that much this year, because I've been indoors every year," she said. "Four of six years I've been here, it has rained. I just opt for inside by default now."

Haskins said the rain and everyone being inside this year was actually beneficial to her sales.

"The added benefit of everything being inside is that we had more people buy than normally would," she said. "Outside, you get people that just walk by and browse. Inside, you get people who stop for longer because they're here to enjoy the scene. I think it worked out well."


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