Councilman James Grogan, who is currently serving as acting mayor for the City of Dawsonville, announced Thursday that he would be resigning as a council member.
"Really and truly it's just one of those things I've been thinking about," Grogan said. "I prayed about it and felt that I couldn't serve both positions well. I felt it was best that I resigned from the one and gave my full attention to the other."
Under council protocol, the appointed acting mayor does not give up his rights as a council member. Therefore, until his resignation Grogan was able to act as mayor but still vote on council matters.
Grogan, who was previously mayor pro-tem, was unanimously voted to serve as acting mayor on April 2 until a special election could be held July 31 to fill the vacancy left by the death of Mayor Joe Lane Cox.
During Thursday night's meeting, Grogan recommended the temporary appointment of Dawsonville resident Caleb Phillips to his council seat.
Phillips, 25, is an area foreman and is new to city government.
A decision on the vacancy will be discussed at the council's next meeting, at 5 p.m. May 7 in the G.L. "Pete" Gilleland Council Chambers at city hall, 415 Hwy. 53 East, Dawsonville.