G.L. Pete Gilleland Chambers at city hall
A. Roll call
B. Opening presentation - Family Connection Director Nancy Stites - backpack program
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Announcements
E. Approval of minutes - Minutes of regular commission meeting held on May 21, 2009, June 4, 2009 and June 18, 2009
F. Approval of the agenda
G. Public comment (Three minute limit/person 15 minutes maximum)
• None
H. Zoning
• None
I. Public hearing
1. Proposed changes to the residential districts (Second of two hearings)
2. Proposed changes to the park and recreation ordinance (First of two hearings)
3. Proposed changes to the Sign Ordinances (First of two hearings)
4. Proposed changes to the Ga. 400 corridor overlay district (First of two hearings)
J. Old business
• None
K. New business
1. Proclamation: Raymond Parks Day
2. Auditor’s Presentation for the Comprehensive Financial (CAFR) of 2008
3. Approval to hold public hearings regarding the special event license request
4. Approval of the Automatic Aid Agreement between Dawson & Pickens for Fire Stations No. 5 and No. 8
6. Approval of vendor and contracts for janitorial supply bid
7. Fire Station No. 2 Bids
9. Local Small Business Initiative
10. Approval to bid the courthouse contractor through the RFQ process
11. Request to reject all Vehicle Bids
12. Resolution: Revised budget to actual 2008
L. Adjournment
M. Public comment