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Chair: Road needs repairs
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The chairman of the Dawson County Board of Commissioners last week declared a state of local emergency for a section of Kelly Bridge Road that officials say needs immediate repair.

In a March 7 memo to fellow commissioners, Mike Berg outlined the need for the road repairs and needed a local emergency, which is required to fast track a project requiring immediate corrective action.

"I am declaring emergency circumstances for this event and authorizing the necessary repairs for full depth reclamation to be completed immediately," he wrote.

County Attorney Joey Homans said the repairs under normal circumstances would go through a procurement process that includes a presentation to the board, bid proposals and the commission's approval of a contract, which typically takes several months.

"The declaration of local emergency ... says there's an event of critical significance that threatens the public health, safety, welfare, of where we can't wait the two months without endangering the public," he said.

The county reviewed three quotes, with the low bid coming in at $32,000 to repair 1,320 feet of Kelly Bridge Road.

Attempts have been made to repair the potholes, though the road, a high traffic connector for tractor trailers, continues to deteriorate, according to Public Works Director David Headley.

"With the weather conditions that we've had with the rains and freezing and thawing, it's been very hard on the roads that were years ago considered to be sub-standard conditions," he said. "We have received several complaints from citizens in that area regarding the potholes."

The full board would need to approve a motion to ratify the contract. The matter is on the agenda for Thursday's 6 p.m. meeting at the Dawson County Government Center.