• Opening presentation: Jim Bohl, St. Vincent de Paul program update
• Pledge of Allegiance, • Announcements
• Approval of minutes from special called meeting July 7
• Approval of the agenda
• Alcohol license hearings
• Retail package beer and wine license
• Public hearings
• Proposed right of way ordinance (second of two hearings)
• New business
1. Approval of the application for parade & assembly: Bootlegger Super Sprint Triathlon.
2. Approval of the application to renew the CJCC K9 Grant.
3. Approval to the FY2012 Legacy Link Nutrition Program Continuation Grant.
4. Approval of the 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
5. Approval of the GDOT Nondiscrimination Agreement.
6. Approval of the placement of a Civil War marker.
7. Shoal Creek Reservoir discussion follow up.
10. Approval of the revision to the government center FF&E contract.
11. Ratification of objection to Annexation 11-021 to City of Dawsonville.
12. Millage rate adoption.