A. Roll call
B. Opening presentation
1. Muscular Dystrophy Association: Leslie Cash
2. Adults Protecting Children: Steve Collins
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Announcements
E. Approval of minutes: Minutes of the voting session held on Aug. 2.
F. Approval of the agenda
G. Public comment (Three minute limit/person, 15 minutes maximum: None
H. Alcohol license hearings: None
I. Zoning: None
J. Public hearings: Public hearing on the approval of the proposed FY 2013 budget
L. New business
1. Ratification of the FY13 Juvenile Court Grant application.
2. Ratification of the FY13 Drug Court Grant application.
3. Approval of the request to surplus sheriff's office canine "Dolph."
4. Approval of RFP#176-12 for youth sports and event photography.
5. Ratification of the GEMA Performance Partnership Agreement Grant.
M. Adjournment