The Dawson County Mentoring Program recently presented “Reflections of Relics Remembered” photography show at the Bowen Center for the Arts.
The show was presented as part of the larger North Georgia Photography Experience, which hosts a variety of photography shows in the area through the month of October.
The Dawson County Mentoring Program serves school-aged students from ages 7 to 18 who attend Dawson County public schools. Students receive positive and caring relationships from volunteering adults that help to enhance self-esteem, teach personal responsibility and improve life choices. The program currently serves 120 students in seven schools.
The annual photography show is used as an expression of creativity in order to broaden horizons and discover new talents.
In addition, the show in the past has changed the lives of some students and given a renewed bounce in self-esteem, according to mentors.
The students are given disposable cameras and work with their mentors to take photographs. Together with their mentors they choose one photo to enlarge and place in the show.
The mentoring program matted the photos and hung them in the Bowen Art Center in conjunction with the adult photography showing at the same time.
The artist reception was held Oct. 31 at the art center.
Participants were served a hotdog lunch with Trick or Treat candy, since it was Halloween and some of the students came in costume.
Several sponsors made the show possible, according to event organizers.