Ten Dawson County 4-H members recently returned from the Northeast District Project Achievement competition with honors in their project areas.
High school 4-H member Becca Bishop placed first in the Plant and Soil Science Project. The win earns her a trip to Georgia 4-H State Congress in Atlanta, which will be held in July.
Held at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center near Eatonton, the event is an annual competition. Members present a timed demonstration or cook a specialty dish.
Audra Vaughters scored a strong second place in the History Project. She discussed five Georgian women who made a difference in the state.
Amberly Hedden and Taylor Thompson each placed third in their respective projects. Amberly competed in the Dairy Foods Project; Taylor represented the county in the International Project.
Other high school students competing were: Kristen Goswick, Performing Arts, General Project; Krista Barnicoat, Workforce Preparation & Career Project; Kaleigh Cochran, Communications Project and Kayla Sosebee, Human Development Project.
Autumn placed second in the Environmental Science Project for Junior (seventh and eighth grade) members. Her speech was about recycling.
Junior member Madison Brumbalow also competed in the History Project.
Members who compete are required to complete a portfolio highlighting activities with their project for the entire year and present a speech about a special interest in the project area.
Attending DPA with the 4-H’ers were Ian Cowie, county extension 4-H agent, Samantha Graves, 4-H program assistant and Debra Vaughters, volunteer leader. The trip was made possible by support from Dawson County United Way and money raised during the annual Rabies Clinic.
4-H is the youth program of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.
For more information about 4-H in Dawson County, contact the County Extension Office at (706) 265-2442.