The Dawson County High School Chorus was recently invited by Disney to the Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fla.
"We've done so many things at Disney, like the Festival Disney and the Music Fest Orlando multiple times - any competition down there, we've done it," said chorus director Spence Wright. "This time, we wanted to do something different and have a performance, somewhere other than in a room with a couple of judges."
In order to get a chance to sing, the chorus sent in an audition CD. Disney then rated all submitted music and awarded a spot and time based on the rating. The best choirs were put in the more populated areas.
"We got the 7:45 p.m. slot in Downtown Disney," Wright said. "There were easily 2,000 people watching us."
Wright said that the chorus was allowed to program the 25-minute show within the guidelines given by Disney.
"We thought it would be nice to do a couple of fun pieces and a couple of serious, choral pieces," he said. "We ended our show with the Disney song ‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes' from Cinderella."
In the months leading up to the show, the students practiced endlessly for what was guaranteed to be a large turnout.
"On top of all the practice we did, I went home and psyched myself up for it," said senior Stephanie Mivsek. "I also did a lot of practicing in front of my family."
But once the students were there, they all had pushed through, despite any nerves.
"It was a really good experience. It was different," said junior Dalton Tierney. "Usually when we are performing, we are performing in front of our family, so it was a little intimidating."
Ultimately, it was a performance both the students and their teacher could be proud of.
"It was awesome to perform there. The choir did great," Wright said. "They were on top of their game. We had a great time."