The Dawson County School System, in coordination with Dawson County Family Connection, will be hosting the annual "Stuff the Bus" event this weekend.
The project benefits students in Dawson County by collecting school supplies to give out to students in need.
"We have been collecting school supplies for Dawson County students for over 10 years," said Nancy Stites of Family Connection. "It's been exciting to see the enthusiasm from different churches and organizations in the community that are now conducting their own supply drives for the schools to disburse. It is a true community project."
Stuff the Bus will run from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on July 29 in the Dawsonville Kroger parking lot and inside the store in designated bins.
Every Dawson County student will need school supplies for the upcoming year that begins with the first day of school on Aug. 3.
"Distribution will take place the week before school starts," Stites said. "The school social workers organize the packing of supplies and scheduling families for pickup to maintain confidentiality."
Last year families were able to pick up supplies over a two day period. Children were able to choose a backpack filled with supplies.
"The younger students in particular are so excited to be able to choose their own bag and leave eager for the first day of school," she said.
There are collection bins throughout the county in various locations including Kroger and Grace Presbyterian Church. Other locations are being added and can be found on the Dawson County Family Connection Facebook page.
Any donated supplies are greatly appreciated, but there are items that are staples on the annual school supply lists.
The following items are ideal for the collection: backpacks, regular and colored pencils, T130 calculators, solid color pencil boxes, three ring binders, washable markers, three prong pocket folders, hand sanitizer, flash drives, tissues, dry erase markers, scissors (blunt and regular tip), cap erasers, glue and/or glue sticks, index cards and composition notebooks.
Dawson County Family Connection can also accept donations year-round at their office in the K.H. Long Government building at 189 Hwy. 53, Suite 105.
To get more details on the events or supplies, call (706) 265-1981.