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Roundabout work starts today in downtown Dawsonville
82WP Dawsonville Roundabout

The Georgia Department of Transportation will begin work today to transform the roads around the Historic Courthouse in downtown Dawsonville into a roundabout.

Weather permitting, Thursday, Nov. 7, concrete and asphalt work will occur at SR 9/SR 53/Dahlonega Street approaching the Historic Courthouse and at SR 9 north approaching the Historic Courthouse. Work is scheduled 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 13 a striping crew will arrive in Dawsonville to remove the existing striping and lay down the new striping for the roundabout around the Historic Courthouse. Work will occur 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is expected to take 2 days to complete. Delays are expected as the striping occurs. Motorists are asked to avoid the area if possible.

Roundabouts can dramatically improve safety when compared to traditional four-way intersections,"said Georgia DOT District Engineer, Bayne Smith. "In fact, a study of 23 intersections converted to roundabouts showed a decrease in total crashes by 39 percent, a decrease in injury crashes of 76 percent, and a dramatic 89 percent decrease in fatal crashes."

To use a roundabout - yield as you approach the entry points; traffic inside the roundabout has the right of way. All entering motorists should yield to vehicles in the roundabout approaching and then enter the roundabout with a right turn. All traffic circulates around the central island in a counterclockwise movement and makes a right turn to exit the roundabout.

Please avoid the area while work occurs especially next week when the striping happens. Once the roundabout is operational, I think you will see a vast improvement in the traffic flow in the area. A roundabout is simple to navigate, just be cautious and do what the signs and pavement markings tell you to do, Smith said.