Statistcs show that approximately one in every eight women in the United States (12 percent) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
This disturbing statistic is the driving force behind Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Held annually in October, this is a time set aside to raise knowledge and awareness of this life-threatening, life-robbing illness.
Its also a time of celebration, as we recognize those who have survived this dreaded disease and a time to show unity with those who continue the struggle.
Despite many advances on the medical front, breast cancer is second to skin cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States. A total of one in every four cancers in women, about 28 percent, are breast cancers.
While science continues to battle all forms of cancer through research and continued improvement of treatments, the number one way that individuals can help themselves in the battle against breast cancer is to seek regular and early examinations.
Chances of arresting or even eradicating the disease are greatly increased by early detection.
The National Breast Cancer Awareness Web site recommends that if youre worried about developing breast cancer, or if you know someone who has been diagnosed with the disease, one way to deal with your concerns is to get as much information as possible.
On the local front, Dawson County merchants are teaming up with The News & Advertiser to help raise awareness of the issue in a special edition of the newspaper to be published Oct. 26.
Meanwhile, please see information elsewhere in todays paper to learn how you can participate by honoring a loved one who has experienced the terrible misfortune of being forced to deal with this dreaded disease.
The fight will continue, and progress is being made. Its estimated that between 1988 and 2007, breast cancer incidence rates in the U.S. decreased by about two percent per year.
Please help us in supporting the battle to bring awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer, and in honoring those who have fought or are fighting the toughest battle of their lives, and the families who support them.