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Burglary probed on Kelly Bridge Road
Intruder fired gun, ran off with money
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Investigators are trying to find the man who burglarized a Kelly Bridge Road home March 17 and reportedly shot at a member of the homeowner’s family.


No one has been arrested in connection with the incident, though a Dawsonville man was questioned that afternoon and released.


Dawson County Sheriff’s Lt. Tony Wooten said the suspect took a handgun, which was later recovered, and a large sum of money from the home in southwestern Dawson County, near the Forsyth County line.


The incident, which triggered a nearly three-hour search, began about 1 p.m. March 17 after authorities received reports of a burglary and gunshots at the home.


Family members of the homeowner, who was out of town, reportedly came upon an intruder when they stopped by the house to feed the animals.


Family members, including a young child, went to the back of the home, where they reportedly saw a man in the basement placing items in a bag.


The suspect reportedly fired once at a man and then ran into the woods behind the brick home.


Authorities found the weapon outside the home and brought in dogs and a Georgia State Patrol helicopter to help in the search.


Family members at first thought the suspect was one of their relatives, though they did not see his face.


That person, who later turned himself in at a nearby fire station, was cleared after authorities confirmed he was at work during the incident.


“He clocked out at 2 p.m., and the burglary occurred well before 2,” Wooten said. “We were able to determine he was there before, during and after the burglary.”


Staff Writer Elizabeth Hamilton contributed to this report.


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