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Body located in abandoned car near Ga. 400 identified as missing Atlanta woman

Dawson County Sheriff's investigators have identified the woman, whose body was found inside an abandoned car nar Ga. 400 Thursday morning, as a missing Atlanta woman.

Sheriff's spokesman Capt. Tony Wooten said the body of 29-year-old Jillian Hudson was taken to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab for autopsy.

Deputies were called to investigate a Silver BMW that had been in the parking lot of a medical and office park on Lumpkin Campground Road for several days Thursday morning.

The registration on the car returned to Hudson, who had been reported missing out of Fulton County on Tuesday.

Officers located her body inside the vehicle.

Wooten said it is still too early in the investigation to release additional details.

"We won't speculate at this time. The investigation is still in its infancy right now," he said.

Investigators from the sheriff's office, along with investigators with the Dawson County District Attorney's office, collected evidence at the scene, before the car was taken in for processing at the Dawson County Law Enforcement Center.

Authorities would not release how Hudson died.

"What we're trying to figure right now is what she was doing here in Dawson County," said Maj. Ray Goodie, commander of the sheriff's criminal investigation division.


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