Hayrides, hot dogs, hamburgers and a whole lot of fun are expected at the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce Annual Community Picnic next week.
Planned for Sept. 8 at Amicalola Falls State Park, the 13th annual community picnic begins at 4 p.m. and is free to the public.
The picnic line, catered by the Dawsonville Pool Room and Kroger, with help from United Community Bank and students at Dawson County High School, begins around 5 p.m.
Musical guests, Relative to Him in addition to the high school choral department, and a variety of children’s activities, such as adventure hikes and encounters with many of the park’s live animal attractions, will also entertain guests at the picnic.
“Amicalola Falls State Park is a beautiful part of our county and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy it together as a community,” said Linda Williams, president of the chamber.
“The staff at Amicalola Falls State Park has helped make this event a terrific success over the years,” she added.
Started in 1997, the picnic has become one of the most anticipated free events in Dawson County each year.
Jay Walker, chairman of the chamber’s board of directors, has served as the chairman of the picnic for the last several years.
“Our members and local businesses come together to provide the food so that the event has remained free to the public all of these years,” he said. “A huge thank you goes to not only Amicalola Falls State Park, but also to Kroger and the Dawsonville Pool Room. Dozens of volunteers, such as employees from United Community Bank and students from the vocational department of Dawson County High School, all work together to make this possible.”
In addition to a time to get together with others in the community, the annual picnic also marks a time when Dawson County and the rest of the nation was hit with the 9-11 tragedy.
The chamber’s fifth annual picnic was held on the same day the country was attacked by terrorists in 2001, but organizers of the event decided to proceed with the picnic.
While the picnic was somber, those that attended had the opportunity to attend a devotional time led by Jim Gaines. Since then, it has been a tradition that a public servant or special group dedicated to the safety and well being of our residents is recognized for their dedication and service to the community.
The picnic will begin at 4 p.m. and last until 7 p.m. For more information, call the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce at (706) 265-6278.