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Doors close for furloughs
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The Dawson County Library will be closed a little longer than usual for the holidays this year, as a result of staff furloughs.


Branch Manager Stacey Leonhardt said the measure, which was approved by the library board, comes in the wake of this year’s financial woes.

Leonhardt said the board relied on staff “to decide when would be the best time to close based on usage of the library.”


The branch will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 1. No book drops will be open, and no fines will be charged during the closure.


Leonhardt said that traditionally there is a slowdown of visitors to the library during December, and the furlough days were decided based on those numbers.


She said the building is closed for the holidays four more days this year than in past December holiday times.


Those with books checked out during the holidays should hold on to them until the library reopens at 10 a.m. Jan. 2.


Access to the Web site will still be available during the holidays.


For more information, visit or call (706) 344-3690.