I admit, I am a tad bit sentimental. The oddest things evoke moments of nostalgia and memories for me.
This time, it was my hair dryer.
Not any hair dryer, mind you.
But a hair dryer I had had for years.
I tried to remember when I got this hair dryer and to the best of my memory, it was around 20 years old, maybe older.
So old that I bought it back when Rite-Aid was still Eckerd.
It wasn’t anything fancy, just a basic grey and blue colored barrel Conair hair dryer I paid $9 for so long ago. I don’t play the stock market but evidently had a good return on my investment.
This hair dryer had moved with me several times and been through various hair adventures. Perms, box color, good color, bad cuts, and even worse home shearing, it had dried it all.
It had been dropped on the floor numerous times only to survive.
In memory of the Conair
![Sudie Crouch](https://dawsonnews.cdn-anvilcms.net/media/images/2017/12/13/images/pic_of_me-Cole.max-752x423.jpg)