They may not be spring chickens, but they are definitely young at heart.
Dozens of senior citizens hurried through The Fun House on Thursday, racing to be first in line for the go-carts or to try their skills at skee-ball and miniature golf.
The Fun House is a ministry of The Father’s House Christ Fellowship Church, whose congregation opened the park free to area seniors. \
“There is such a need for these kinds of things for seniors,” said Margie Weaver, who runs the Dawson County Senior Center. “Look at them. They’re all having such a great time.”
Seniors arrived before 9 a.m. for breakfast and were treated to the sounds of Sunnyside, a local band that fuses bluegrass, gospel and country music.
Opening the set with their signature song, “Keep on the Sunny Side,” the room exploded with a harmony of seniors clapping hands, tapping feet and joining in to sing the joyous song.
Within just a few minutes, participants were up on their feet dancing to the sounds they grew up hearing.
“What an honor and a privilege it is to have you here with us this week,” said Ricky Stepp, pastor of The Father’s House.
“We thank God for each and every senior that is here today.” T
he Father’s House congregation holds the senior breakfast on the third Thursday of every month.
The idea started when church members noticed that seniors gathered at the McDonald’s in Dawsonville to hear the band Homeward Bound who shows up to play each Friday.
“The reason we are doing this is because I believe that we live in one of the most awesome places,” Stepp said.
“We live in an awesome place and I thank God for everyone who has lived in this area and put the foundation in for us.”
Following an hour of song and dance, the band packed up and the seniors scurried off to take a step back in time in the Fun House’s game and party area.
With go-carts, pool tables, bowling, video games and skee-ball, seniors spent the afternoon playing in a place typically reserved for those decades younger.
Keith Davis, manager of the Fun House, said the monthly breakfasts are part of The Father’s House’s ongoing mission of outreach to the community.
“The Fun House’s purpose is to be a place that provides people with a family-oriented, wholesome and fun atmosphere,” he said. “This outreach for seniors is part of an ongoing outreach to the entire community.”
E-mail Michele Hester at