It’s not the biggest he’s ever grown, but the 2.75- pound tomato Kenneth Allison plucked from his garden on New Hope Road is one of the biggest local Extension Agent Clark Beusse has seen this season.
Allison said the seed from the pink tomato he picked Monday morning dates back over four decades.
“It came from North Carolina and I’ve grown them each year since,” he said, comparing the giant tomato to a red variety he also grew.
Beusse said the size Allison is growing tomatoes this year is remarkable considering the amount of rain Dawson County has had the last few months.
“That’s a big tomato,” he said.
Allison said he enjoys working in his garden, and even more, enjoys sharing his vegetables.
“I grow what I need and if I have more left over, I give them away. I especially like giving them to the older generation that maybe can’t grow them themselves,” he said.
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