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Some things I will miss
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And others I won't.

As the community recently paid respects and said final farewell to beloved members Charles Finley and Dr. Herbert Robinson, many were aware of what they personally would miss with these two gone.

So was I, even though I didn't see either very often.

When the Retired Educators Association meets, we won't hear Charles's enthusiasm for the grandparents essay contest and other projects. We will miss his dedication as he introduced a minister or other friend to give a devotional or as he presented the annual award that his church gave to a teacher considered to be a positive Christian influence.

I'll also miss the reports he gave to the Historical Society about the material he was gathering for the county history; he especially enjoyed visiting with people who shared their memories, information and pictures, and that enjoyment was obvious.

Herbert Robinson was my husband Morris's first cousin, and I was always honored to claim that relationship.

Yet Herbert usually acted as though he was the one who was fortunate to have us as part of his extended family.

I will miss the notes he wrote whenever I received some sort of recognition and his handwritten messages on Christmas cards.

It was heartwarming to learn, as friends spoke at his funeral, that many others had also received his complimentary encouragement.

Instead of just missing it, we can pass on those traits of enthusiasm and encouragement.

Last summer, I completely missed Lumpkin Campmeeting (being "immobilized" with a broken leg).

Although I'm grateful to be able to attend some of this year's services, my mobility is so limited that I miss the fellowship of visiting - tent to tent and even bench to bench in the arbor. (The leg completely healed, but my 88-year-old back is deteriorating.)

Uneven terrain at the campground and the traditional straw on the arbor floor are not conducive to walking with bad balance and a cane. I am so thankful, however, for the angels in golf carts who cheerfully drove us handicapped folks back and forth to the arbor.

One thing I do not want to miss is the opportunity to oppose the sewage sludge spreading for which a permit has been applied.

The area involved is on Lumpkin Campground Road, not far from the campground itself - tenters, listen up.

County officials, the homeowners association and other organizations are moving to have EPD deny this petition.

If you do not already know about this possibility, contact planning and development director David McKee at (706) 344-3500, Ext. 42337 or e-mail

By the arrival of this newspaper, the July 31 voting day will have passed.

To be truthful, I will not miss my mailbox or roadsides filled with candidates' solicitations.

Nor will I pine over the lack of recorded phone messages courting my vote or the absence of highly critical newspaper ads.

I realize, of course, that it is only the local positions that will have been decided. We can now give encouragement to the winners and steel ourselves for the onslaught of general election pressures.

Actually, we are grateful for the political competition that is a normal part of politics in a democracy; dictators don't allow it. But I hate to see it descend into personal accusations, many of which are more demeaning than informative.

Maybe we can sort it all out as we enjoy the Olympics.

Helen Taylor's column appears periodically in the Dawson Community News.