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Amendment 1 on the Nov. 6 ballot asks each voter: "Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow state or local approval of public charter schools upon the request of local communities?"

As life-long educators, we have sought insight and answers to the reason for this question.

There appears to be much misinformation and debate regarding the need for, desire for and benefit of this amendment.

There is a process that provides for local approval of public charter schools upon the request of local communities.

There are more than 200 charter schools currently in the state. They can be a sound choice for parents deciding the provider of their children's education. As is true with public, as well as private schools, some demonstrate strong performance trends while others do not.

Amendment 1 is asking voters to allow the state to also have the ability to approve public charter schools. One must ask why this is being sought and whom will it be benefitting?

There is a great deal involved in the passing or failing of Amendment 1.

We hope you will take just a few minutes to learn its roots, its potential impact on local control vs. a state appointed commission (and its accountability) if passed, the flow of your taxpayer dollars, and the diversion of local school tax dollars to schools you have no choice in establishing.

This amendment and its controversy are becoming daily news. It is so difficult in this day and time to determine the truth, and to know if we are being provided all of the pertinent information, unbiased, so we can make sound and responsible decisions.

Our personal stance is in strong opposition to this amendment.

Charter schools exist per community desire, choice and decision.

Local school tax dollars should be provided to, and utilized by, local citizens and communities.

We do not believe it is necessary for a state-appointed commission to be established, created, or funded to make decisions for local communities already being effectively and efficiently made by the local citizenry.

Alan and Gregg Zubay