Another round of bitterly cold weather is expected to move into areas including Dawson County Friday evening, according to a Jan. 18 wind chill advisory from the National Weather Service.
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The wind chill advisory will remain in effect from 11 p.m. Friday until 11 a.m. Saturday, the alert stated.
Temperatures are expected to drop into the ‘teens Fahrenheit but could feel like single-digit temperatures.
The very cold wind chills could lead to hypothermia without proper precautions, according to the NWS advisory.
Cold weather tips include but aren’t limited to:
Wearing multiple layers of clothes, a coat, hat and gloves to stay warm
Letting faucets drip and opening cabinet doors to let uninsulated pipes warm
Checking on elderly or disabled relatives and neighbors
Bringing your pets inside
From Tuesday evening until Saturday, Jan. 20, Georgia Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church will open as a warming center in Dahlonega, according to a recent Dawson County Family Connection post. The church is located at 3155 Morrison Moore Pkwy E. in Dahlonega. Local churches and nonprofit Community Helping Place will support the effort with meals and care kits. Hot showers will also be available.
The Dahlonega church is only a warming center and not an emergency shelter. The center will open at 6 p.m. and close each morning at 7 a.m., according to the post.