4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22 at city hall
L. New Business
1. Approval of Application and Modification of Social Security 218 Agreement - Cindy Campbell, Asst. Director of Finance.
2. PROCLAMATION: November as Family Month - Church of the Ladder Day Saints.
3. Request to refund zoning application fees - Mr. Sanfillipo, Applicant.
4. Right-of-Way Easement and Electrical Services Agreement with Sawnee EMC for Fire Station #2 - County Manager Tanner.
5. Approval of the IGA with EWSA and Dawson County re: Fueling Station - County Manager Tanner.
6. Update on Residential Districts - Planning & Zoning Director David McKee.
7. Discussion of Animal License fees - County Manager Tanner.
8. Commissioner's Expense Policy - County Manager Tanner.
9. Discussion and Update of Courthouse project.
10. County Manager Report
11. County Attorney Report
• Anyone wishing to speak at the Regular Meeting on any of these items must notify the County Clerk five days in advance of the scheduled meeting.
• Anyone wishing to speak on a non-agenda item must notify the County Clerk within 10 minutes of the start of the Voting Session.