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Authority elects new chairman
Downtown Dev mug

Members of the Downtown Development Authority met this week and nominated insurance agent Chris Gaines as the new chairman of the seven-member board.


Former Chairwoman and business owner Cathie Waddell recently resigned from the post and from the authority.


In addition, Keith Stone was nominated as treasurer, and Nick Nicodemus will serve as secretary.


At the Nov. 15 meeting, board members discussed the possibility of holding a joint meeting with the newly formed Downtown Merchants group, as well as the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce.


The purpose of the meeting, said Gaines, would be to brainstorm ways to promote downtown Dawsonville using all three entities.


Others in attendance included downtown business owner Gordon Pirkle, Councilman Mike Sosebee and City Attorney Dana Miles.


The group meets once a month to discuss issues that concern the development of downtown Dawsonville.


The next Downtown Development Authority meeting is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 10. All meetings are held at city hall.