A stretch of Hwy. 53 between Ga. 400 and Lumpkin Campground Road was shut down Monday morning as crews worked to contain a gas main leak punctured during construction.
Dawson County Sheriff's Capt. Tony Wooten said several businesses in the area of Krystal and the Kangaroo gas station were evacuated just before 10 a.m.
By noon, the businesses were able to reopen and resume operations.
Construction crews working on the new continuous flow intersection going in at Ga. 400 and Hwy. 53 reportedly cut the line.
"The first thing they wanted to do was to get the leak contained and get the road back open," Wooten said.
Hwy. 53 was reopened by 11:30 a.m. though portions of 400 Center Lane, the road that runs between McDonalds and United Community Bank, remained closed until the main was properly repaired.