Two Dawson County elementary schools recently came together to compete for the title of best mother-son dodgeball team.
Each year, Kilough Elementary hosts a mother-son dodgeball event for its parents and students. This year, however, the KES Parent-Teacher Organization decided to add in a new challenge.
"This year, we decided to partner with Black's Mill Elementary," said Abbey Liberatore, Kilough Elementary's PTO board president. "I had gotten to know [Black's Mill PTO president Karrie King] and we decided that since our schools were so close in proximity, we would get together and do an event. We had done mother-son dodgeball in the past and decided to invite them to it this year."
The teams were initially split as mothers and sons, but as the night progressed, games saw variations such as mother versus son, Black's Mill students versus Kilough students and finally mothers and sons teaming up against the neighboring school.
"It's great, getting these two schools together, because, otherwise, some of these kids would never come in contact with each other," said Black's Mill Elementary parent Casey Jordan, whose son Brian is in fourth grade. "Having the contact and getting to know each other helps when they move up to the older grades. It's been great fun."
Liberatore said that the event gives both the parents and the students a place to socialize that they may not have otherwise.
"I think it brings the schools together. A lot of these boys know each other from other sports, so this brings them together in a school environment," she said. "It also lets moms get to talk, socialize and get to know each other."
It's an event that Kilough's administration thinks is a great way to let the students and parents unwind after a day of work and school.
"Our PTO does an amazing job sponsoring this activity. It's an opportunity for us to pair with other schools to get our kids, PTOs and parents together," said Instructional Lead Teacher Teresa Conowal. "The kids love it and it's a great opportunity to enjoy a night that's relatively free."