Changes to the county’s sign ordinance were brought up for review during last week’s work session of the Dawson County Board of Commissioners.
Planning director David McKee said the proposed revisions are designed to create a content neutral ordinance, reduce the number of illegal signs on rights of way and allow business owners an avenue to display their business.
He said many of the proposed additions were made at the request from business owners. Others, such as sign heights, were based on variances that have been approved in the past.
“The bottom line on 400 is there’s cars and there’s also money, so if we can get some of them to stop,” McKee said.
Sign visibility is the issue, he said.
If approved as proposed, the height allowed for planned center signs inside the Ga. 400 Corridor would be 25 feet with additional height allowed if the sign is placed below the road grade. The height for ground mounted monument signs on outparcels and individual lots would be 12 feet or up to 17 feet if the sign is placed below the grade of the road.
The number of canopy and wall signs allowed on commercial buildings could also increase to provide additional visibility.
The proposed revisions are available for public review on the county’s Web site,
Two hearings are planned to allow for public comment. The first hearing will be held during the March 15 planning commission meeting, with the second two days later before the Dawson County Board of Commissioners.
A vote to approve the revisions could be held following the second public hearing.