The calendar said “Spring Begins,” and on March 20, we could believe it. There was bright sun, yellow jonquils dotting lawns and roadsides, trees and shrubs showing hints of budding. After a long winter, filled with weather disasters around the world, we are ready for spring and the new hopes it always brings.
(But hold off on the planting.)
The Christian calendar glows with the good news of Easter. Certainly, retail markets are happy as both Christians and non-professing citizens shop for new spring clothes and children anticipate a visit from the bunny.
Dawson Countians breathed a sigh of relief as they received a report from GDOT about the 400-53 intersection. No more talk of a “fly-over.” I can’t fully visualize the “continuous-flow” diagrams, but I hope to stick around long enough to watch them develop.
Margie Weaver and those who use the Senior Center are smiling as they move one step closer to an elevator being installed in the shaft, which has been waiting since the center was built two decades ago.
The American Legion bingo room was completely filled on Friday evening as they sponsored a benefit for that elevator fund. Thanks.
Speaking of seniors, Sharon Weston’s “Sunnyside” group is still working to reestablish the monthly Senior Breakfast. They need some food sponsors to go along with their music. But it is a surprising fact that on Friday mornings — and on Wednesdays with a different group - the McDonald’s on Ga. 400 reverberates with bluegrass/gospel music accompanying the coffee and biscuits. Not limited to seniors, of course, and often amazing to the customers who just happen to drop in.
Georgia Tech fans are disappointed that the Jackets didn’t quite make it to the Sweet Sixteen during this March Madness, but they did go a long way. And our 10-12 year old girls really made a shining statement when they easily won the state championship in their basketball field. Congratulations. (I am sure there is other good news in the sports arena, but I had a personal interest in that contest.)
Georgia legislators seem poised to adopt a ban on the dangerous habit of texting and driving.
Although this ban is being sought by those from many areas, we are proud that it has been spearheaded by our local representative, Amos Amerson, and the Sorohans, parents of a Dahlonga teen killed in an accident caused by such texting. We expect its passage.
On the national scene, Democrats are certainly celebrating the long-awaited, long-debated passage of the basic step of health care reform. Republicans also consider the possibility that it could be good news for them as they sharpen weapons for November elections. Although many of us will see no immediate changes, we will watch the next steps with real interest.
So, as we begin to put away our heavy gloves and locate our sunhats, let’s hope for more good news to celebrate.
Helen Taylor’s column appears periodically in the Dawson Community News.