The feel of fall is in the air and some trees are showing off outstanding colors.
As you enjoy this great time of year, keep the following outdoor tips in mind.
Fall is the best time of year for moving plants. Transplant deciduous trees and shrubs when they are dormant. Evergreen trees or shrubs, however, may be transplanted earlier in the fall, before they go dormant.
When selecting trees for fall color, keep in mind that color is more strongly influenced by genes in the plant than by the environment. Trees selected in the fall when they are in full color can be expected to produce the same colors in future years. Red Maple cultivars that display outstanding colors include Red Sunset, October Glory and Autumn Flame.
Pick bagworms from evergreen shrubs. This will eliminate the spring hatch from overwintered eggs.
Small imperfections, such as nicks and loose skin, should not affect the quality of most bulbs. Store bulbs in a cool area, below 65°F, if unable to plant immediately.
Be sure to clean up from around your perennial flowers, such as rose and peony. If left on the ground, leaves and stems can harbor diseases and provide convenient places for pests to spend the winter.
It’s not unusual for some spring-flowering bulbs to send up a few leaves in the late fall or early winter. The bulbs will remain safe over the winter and will still produce flowers next spring.
Turf grown on acid soil has been found more susceptible to winter kill, more prone to injury from application of chemicals, and less reliable under adverse climatic conditions. To prevent such problems, have your soil tested regularly and apply lime when the need is indicated.
Don’t retire the lawn mower when the growth of your lawn slows down this fall.
As long as the grass continues to grow, it should be mowed.
Fall is the time to control certain broadleaf weeds in the lawn, including; chickweed, white clover, dandelion, wild onion, plantain and Canada thistle.
Clean up home orchard and small-fruit plantings. Sanitation is essential for good maintenance. Dried fruits or “mummies” carry disease organisms through the winter to attack next year’s crop.
Clark Beusse is the Dawson County extension agent. For more information, call (706) 265-2442.